CoinX – DeFi smart banking

Product designer, UI/UX
Adobe XD, Notion.
Concept project
Early 2020

CoinX is a simple financial application of banking for the mass market and protects people from unstable economies. Think in this app as smart banking, spending, saving, and investing.

CoinX – DeFi smart banking

What problem I am solving and why?

Traditional banking is getting older each day, for these times there are a lot of situations where a simple old bank gets short about your needs, and worst if you are placed in an undeveloped country

CoinX brings the power of a DeFi app and wants to cover the essential elements of a good financial state. One place for spending, saving, and investing.


The challenge for this project was to create a whole new interface for an app from scratch, ideate solutions that effectively achieve its purpose. The process that I followed to make this project was Design Thinking.

Check this article if you want to know why lately I'm working with this process – Design Thinking or Design Sprint. When to use one of these?


To design this project I took into consideration three main apps in the world of mobile finances and crypto. All of them focus on a simple interface to manage your money. In the fintech industry, you need to be transparent and let everything clear for users. Trust is a key value to consider here, the interface and experience must transmit that value.

So, I did an analysis based on these three apps with Pros and Cons of each one, following with an individual inspect of UI/UX.

Customer Journey Map

View in details Customer Journey Map for CoinX

Here we can see that our target user is someone with low access to traditional banking in strong fiat currencies like USD. In this journey, our user decide to use PayPal and we have good opportunities for each stage.

Empathy Map

View in details Empathy Map for CoinX

Being in the place of the user. Seeing how the user experience the problem that I want to solve.


View in details MoSCow for CoinX

As this is a concept project, there are many features and sections missing, like login with touch ID for example, but essentials sections have been addressed.


For the color palette, I choose pink as the main color and in companion with a lot of white space to give breath between elements – the pink represents friendship, harmony, and inner peace. It is the sweet side of the red.

The user target is young, so it needs to be vibrant, funny, and for that, I choose the gradients in illustrations. Also, the whole app has a diversity of colors for details that give it a fresh experience to users.

Color Palette.


High Fidelity Wireframes.
Final visuals.

I used Adobe XD to build the visual prototype and make it interactive – you can check the whole prototype here.

Final Words

This concept is an idea of a product that I personally want to use someday. I’m very passionate about personal finances and I think traditional banking is getting behind crypto world.

There would be more and more people that use cryptocurrencies in their life on a daily basis, and for that reason, an app to manage your finances inside crypto would be ideal to exist.

Want to Talk?

Do you want to tell me something? You can contact me, I will reply as soon as possible :)

Andrés González
Andrés González
Product Designer
Design By Andres
Designed and developed by
Andrés González. © 2021.